So I get a call that a good customer off exit 5 - her TV and phone are out after the last big lightning storm. I'm there promptly the next morning and in a few minutes see that on her Verizon triple-play ( TV-phone-wifi ) that everything is out. Totally. This elderly (no, she asked me to report VERY ELDERLY) couple has no TV or phone, or internet. A call (cellular) gets Verizon to tell her a six-day wait to come out.
Now I find that lightning on the street took out her FIOS main power supply, a small white box in the utility closet. And I can't believe that Verizon would take almost a week to get out so I call. After a bit on hold I get a very courteous individual who tells be the option is to cancel THEIR service call, and put in for another LATER on. Well doesn't that just bring a tear to the eye. Then I see their bill - $190/month
Hey, I like FIOS, but I see it as wonderfully installed with the intention of it not breaking, but if you have a problem, beware. You know if this was a blockbuster storm, roads impassable, hundreds of customers out, that would be one thing. But a week's outage on a single case? Sad, Verizon Fios!
This time I'll say I think Comcast holds the service edge!
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